A Year in Love Blog Hop

Come join ‘we happy few, we band of sisters’ in celebrating our first year as published authors under the Crimson Romance banner. What sets us apart from other romance writers? The diversity of story, the quality of writing and the amazingly original concepts of our writers are unlike any found in usual formula romance. We are unique, as people, as storytellers, as women. 

So Blog Hop with us, share a comment, sign up to win free book giveaways and prizes, follow the original round-robin story from chapter to chapter and read excerpts from books that capture the imagination, scratch your itch for a really good love story and take you on journeys of the heart and soul. 

We’ll have a Blog Hopping Blast together!

Each book cover is a link to its author website and you'll find either an excerpt or a chapter to the round-robin story. Make sure to click each and everyone for more chances to win.

Sharon Clare
Lola Karns
Leslie P. Garcia
Becky Lower
Amber T. Smith
Nancy Loyan
Carol Ritten Smith
Denyse Cohen
Becky Flade
Lynn Crandall
Lynn Cahoon
Juli Page Morgan
Morgan O'Neill
Katie Kenyhercz
Irene Preston
Pam B. Morris
Andrea R. Cooper
Peggy Bird
Nancy C. Weeks
Danica Winters
Liv Rancourt
Amanda L.V. Shalaby
Barbara Barrett


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm excited, too!

  3. So many great books! Thanks for putting this all together, Denyse!

  4. Wow - do we have beautiful covers!

  5. What a great blog hop... gorgeous book covers:)

  6. Great post! Thank you for coordinating this momentous event!

  7. It looks fantastic. Congratulations! Off to follow all the lovely links!

  8. Huge thanks to Denyse and all of the other Crimson ladies who helped organize this blog hop. Happy Anniversary! I can't wait to read everyone's excerpts and the round robin.

  9. Happy Anniversary! My debut with Crimson Romance is July 8th with my western historical Lady Broke! I'm so exicted that soon I'll be a lady in red.

  10. Denyse,

    You've done a wonderful job with this. And I'm reading The Witch's Soulmate now and love it so far.
